Christmas on the Moon

Christmas on the Moon

  • $14.95

Story - Mary Ann and Joe travel from planet to planet looking for a place to celebrate Christmas. Just as in the bible the various innkeepers sent Mary and Joseph away. Each planet gives its excuse why they are not the place to celebrate Christmas. Only the lowly moon accepts them and allows Christmas to be celebrated.
Setting - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and the Moon
The unifying set piece is a rocket ship. A diagram is given as an addendum as to one way to make the rocket ship. Please feel free to do as you wish with this concept! Scene changes should be done by the time the ‘flight’ from one planet to the next is done.
Each planet can be represented through simple set pieces brought on during the ‘flight’ from one planet to the next. These set pieces need not be complicated – if used at all.
Costumes – This is costumer’s dream! Costumes are more important than the set. Have fun with this. Each planet can be represented by a different Sunday School class. Or divide the Sunday School into four groups. Each group needs to be costumed to represent the planet. How fun! You may want to put more detail in the costumes of the speaking parts and minimally costume the rest of the group from each planet. Or go hog wild on everyone! Each planet should be unique in costuming and appearance (ie antennas, coloration, # of arms – you decide)
There are a few speaking parts on each planet. These can be teens, adults or older young people. There is no heavy burden on any class.
Mary Ann and Joe are the primary speaking parts. Again, these can be teens or adults.
Songs – Songs can be included easily if desired. These can be inserted between the ‘flights’ and sung by a separate choir or by the inhabitants of the planet as Mary Ann and Joe leave.
A Sound track of background music and sound effects is available at
Playing time approximately 40 Minutes,
Most of the Characters can be male or female.
  •  Joe
  • Mary Ann
  • Blark – Neptunian
  • Carpo – Neptunian
  • Other Neptunians
  • Selorious – Saturnite
  • Takidous – Saturnite
  • Boastus – Saturnite
  • Other Saturnites
  • Leader – Juperite
  • Other Juperites
  • Drudgett – Martian
  • Hireling – Martian
  • Toilabor – Martian
  • Crowbart - Martian
  • Other Martians